Palliative Care for Mesothelioma Patients

 One of the most criticalfunctions of the body without which no organ or system can survive is breathing. A rare but lethal form of lung cancer is mesothelioma. It is an illness that invades the mesothelial cells present within the pleura – a double-layered membranous covering around the lungs. It protectscritical organs of the respiratory system and facilitates breathing by easing expansion and contraction. While research is still ongoing to find a definitivecurebehind this deadly ailment, scientists believe that hereditary, environmental,and lifestyle factors come into play. Studies have also demonstrated a strong linkbetweenmesothelioma and occupational asbestos exposure. Asbestos is a mineral commonly utilized in construction to make brakes, shingles, ceiling, roofing, and insulating covers. When disintegrated, it formstinyfibers that can accumulate within various criticalorgans of the respiratorytract. This buildup releases toxins that cause irritation and trigger mutations within healthy cells. Abnormal cells malfunction and multiply out of control, leading to a malignant mass called mesothelioma.


Afflictedindividualsoften require the assistance of a mesothelioma lawyer to help them file acompensatory claim if their work environment is the primary cause of their illness. Governments instruct organizations to prioritize the well-being of their workers, provide relevant PPE, and avoid practicesthat pose fatal risks. Failure to do so makes them liable to a fine they must pay to the victim and their family.

Treatment and Care:

The treatment plan for each patient depends mainly on the stage of cancer. If detected at its initial stages, the chances are that the patient might recover. But a slight delay in detection could be the sole difference between life and death. When left untreated,mesothelioma becomes terminal and highly complex to manage. At stage 1 or 2, the tumor is relatively small and hasn’t attached itself to the surrounding critical nerves and tissues. Doctors will likely recommend surgical removal coupledwith chemotherapy and radiotherapy to resect the tumor from its core and prevent a recurrence.


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